We talked to AA about our Neolithic Çayönü results
Yılmaz Selim Erdal and Mehmet Somel talked to Selma Kasap from AA (Anadolu Agency) about our findings from the Neolithic Çayönü site and its social implications. Full article…
Yılmaz Selim Erdal and Mehmet Somel talked to Selma Kasap from AA (Anadolu Agency) about our findings from the Neolithic Çayönü site and its social implications. Full article…
In an activity organized in in METU Culture and Convention Center, Mehmet Somel was invited to talk on why this year’s Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded to…
On October 6th, we presented our recent work on genetic kinship patterns in Neolithic Anatolia at the “Kinship, Sex, and Biological Relatedness” Symposium organized by the State Museum of Prehistory…
Below you may find the abstract of our latest paper was published in Open Research Europe: A major challenge in zooarchaeology is to morphologically distinguish closely related species’…
As we hit the 18th month of our 3-year-long international science collaboration project NEOMATRIX, a H2020 funded Twinning project, PIs and ESRs from all partners (Stockholm University, Institut…
As members of CompEvo, Human-G Lab, and Hacettepe University Department of Bioinformatics we participated in the 42nd International Symposium on Excavations, Surveys and Archaeometry held in Denizli by…
We came together with some of the most prominent archaeologists of Turkey in METU for a 3-day workhop (April 20-22, 2022) where we presented our aDNA results and…
Below you may find the full text of our call, published as a “Correspondance” article in Nature by Mehmet Somel, N. Ezgi Altınışık, Füsun Özer & María C. Ávila-Arcos: The expansion of…
The joint ancient DNA team of METU and Hacettepe University had a lab retreat in Datça on 13-18 September 2021, with the participation of Anders Götherström from Stockholm…
Below you may find the abstract of our latest paper was published in Current Biology: The history of human inbreeding is controversial. In particular, how the development of…