We are seeking a full-time staff member to work as a project manager with secretarial and organizational responsibilities in a 3-year international science collaboration project, NEOMATRIX.
The project manager (PM) will be hired by the METU Ancient DNA Lab. The NEOMATRIX project has the METU lab as coordinator, with partner labs in Greece, Sweden, and France, together constituting the NEOMATRIX Consortium. The project’s aim is to promote the sharing of scientific research experience and know-how across labs and joint research into the population genetic history of the Mediterranean region. The NEOMATRIX project is funded by the EU H2020 program.
The PM will be responsible for the overall organization, management, and documentation of project activities, including:
– Organizing Consortium internal meetings,
– Organizing travel and accommodation for Consortium scientists,
– Managing the budget,
– Preparing financial and scientific reports,
– Acting as secretary for the Consortium General Assembly,
– Helping organize Consortium events, including workshops,
– Supporting the General Assembly in coordination and monitoring of activities to ensure healthy implementation of the Project Agreement,
– Helping organize science outreach activities,
– Supporting data management, including maintaining the METU Ancient DNA Lab database.
Essential requirements:
– The PM will be employed full time at METU, Ankara.
– The PM must be highly fluent both in English and in Turkish.
Additional experiences sought:
– Past experience in H2020 project management,
– Past experience in database management,
– Past experience in organizing international events,
– Past experience in science outreach,
– Background in computer science, IT, genetics, or archaeology.
The PM will be employed by METU and receive a salary commensurate with experience.
Candidates should send (1) a CV, (2) a statement of interest that explains why the candidate would fit the job, and (3) contact information for three references via email to neogene@metu.edu.tr.
The emails should be titled “NEOMATRIX PM position”.
The application will remain open until the position is filled. The starting date is January 1, 2021.
For further information on the position, please contact Mehmet Somel (neogene@metu.edu.tr).